Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We Are Officially a "Dot ORG"

As we progress in the development of the charter school we will continue to identify ways to make information readily available to general public, and what better way to do so than by purchasing a domain name.  Visit:  www.wisteriacharterschool.org for additional updates and a full Events Calendar that provides meeting dates and event notices.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Information Session

An informal information session was held at "Explore and More" in East Aurora on Sunday, December 19, 2010. The goal of the session was to get a general idea of some of the requests of parents, educators, planners and civic leaders.
Some of the topics covered in the meeting were:
  • location of the school
  • grades to be served
  • target neighborhoods
  • available facilities
  • academic program for students with diverse educational need
We are looking into a number of promising properties, and will keep you posted.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

We'll Be Visiting Soon! Public Outreach for the Wisteria Charter School Initiative

In the coming days the Founding Members Committee will be hitting the streets, knocking on doors and holding meetings to spread the good news and encourage additional support for our proposed charter school's efforts.  The official Wisteria Charter School Initiative's website provides updates and has a calendar of events to keep eveyone informed of what's to come.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What's in a Name?

It is said that once most of the spring flowers have passed their zenith, the wisteria continues to bloom with mature beauty and a sweetly alluring aroma.

Naming our school was no easy task and our Founding Members didn't take it lightly either.  While on the phone discussing the direction of our group and the focus of the school's curriculum, two of our founders, pondered the things and places that make the City of Buffalo special... and of course Frank Lloyd Wright's world renowned Darwin Martin Complex came up.  One of those members is an Official Chaperon and finished the docent class for the complex so had great knowledge of many of the details associated with this architectural masterpiece.  

Aahhhhh Wisteria.  
The flower not only has a very overt connection to nature, but also, great relevance in the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and the notion of "Inside Out."   The other Founding Members agreed that Wisteria is right for this proposed charter school as we felt that like Wright's physical designs children, should also, unfold like an organism from the seed within.

Take a look at the video included for today's post...lovely wisteria wind.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Our Mission

We've been tinkering with the Mission of The Wisteria Charter School and here is what we've come up with (and feel free to tell us what you think):

Based on a developmentally-appropriate curriculum, the mission of Wisteria Charter School is to educate in ways that address each student's intellectual, emotional and physical needs. By emphasizing hands-on artistic expression and the exploration of the natural world, children mature as enlightened and socially conscious individuals; energized by the possibility of choice rather than chance. Through an interdisciplinary, student-centered approach, children are prepared to present diverse talents to an ever-changing and multicultural society.