Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Every Now and Then You Have to Say Thanks.

Letting the community know that Wisteria hopes to make Buffalo its home is no simple task.  Yet our friends from the Western New York Minority Media Professionals make it look so easy.  They continue to donate a tremendous amount of time and resources to getting the word out about Wisteria.  So from the Founders of Wisteria to the Board of the WNYMMP we say...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

You Have to See it in Action

We showed this video during the first phase of public meetings held citywide.  The images and "testimonials" highlight the richness of a Waldorf curriculum in an urban environment.  Although Wisteria plans to use Waldorf methods to meet State education requirements, parents and students can expect a school experience much like the one (demonstrated above) at the Brooklyn Waldorf.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Clear Mission / A New Logo

Wisteria believes in the power of community.  In that vein, we took some time to refine our mission after hearing some really amazing input during our introductory outreach efforts.  During this time we also developed this amazing logo thanks to artist Edreys Wajed.  Edreys is featured in this month's very upscale Traffic Magazine.

Wisteria Charter School cultivates socially conscious, critical thinkers by addressing students’ intellectual, emotional and physical needs.  Utilizing an arts-integrated Waldorf-Methods approach, students are fully prepared to meet the challenges of a multicultural and ever-changing society.

Meaningful- knowledgeable, sound decision-making
Responsive- timely, mindful, purposeful action
Inclusive- Expansive, in-depth, universal

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Prospectus Is In! Let The Road Trip Begin

Whoa, we can hardly believe that things are moving so fast (in a good way).  The momentum that Wisteria is picking up keeps the Founding Group energized AND expanding.  The Wisteria's initial phase of community outreach wrapped up with the submission of a Prospectus to the State!  To celebrate we feel that it is always important to recap and review the successes we've experienced "On the Road to Chartered Territory."
  • The Buffalo News ran two stories about Wisteria --One on the Front Page of the City and Region Section and the other in the School Zone Blog
  • Buffalo Rising had a write-up about the school
  • We held four fantastic meetings at public libraries and on the campus of the Univ. at Bflo.
  • We were on two radio talk shows: Living Now and Kirkland's Korner
  • We were on the Community Billboards websites of Channel 7 and YNN
  • We conducted a survey that was available on our Website, Blog, at each of the public meetings and at the Better Schools, Better Neighborhoods Headquarters
  • We introduced ourselves and made our intentions known at the January 26th Buffalo Board of Ed Meeting
  • We met with a host of Civic Leaders and Elected Officials 
However, we are not done...a matter of fact we are just getting started.  Phase 2 community outreach starts today.  Please subscribe to the Wisteria Wind Blog for continuous updates and events.