Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Prospectus Is In! Let The Road Trip Begin

Whoa, we can hardly believe that things are moving so fast (in a good way).  The momentum that Wisteria is picking up keeps the Founding Group energized AND expanding.  The Wisteria's initial phase of community outreach wrapped up with the submission of a Prospectus to the State!  To celebrate we feel that it is always important to recap and review the successes we've experienced "On the Road to Chartered Territory."
  • The Buffalo News ran two stories about Wisteria --One on the Front Page of the City and Region Section and the other in the School Zone Blog
  • Buffalo Rising had a write-up about the school
  • We held four fantastic meetings at public libraries and on the campus of the Univ. at Bflo.
  • We were on two radio talk shows: Living Now and Kirkland's Korner
  • We were on the Community Billboards websites of Channel 7 and YNN
  • We conducted a survey that was available on our Website, Blog, at each of the public meetings and at the Better Schools, Better Neighborhoods Headquarters
  • We introduced ourselves and made our intentions known at the January 26th Buffalo Board of Ed Meeting
  • We met with a host of Civic Leaders and Elected Officials 
However, we are not done...a matter of fact we are just getting started.  Phase 2 community outreach starts today.  Please subscribe to the Wisteria Wind Blog for continuous updates and events.